
A nation is built by its people. We are shaped by our family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers, the people presented in this section have shaped the nation. We each inherit and pass on the lessons we’ve learned, the ideas we’ve thought, the things we’ve enjoyed and created. The people presented in this section teach us by the legacy of their efforts and by their example, how to create, how to serve, how to contribute, how to overcome difficulties to live a full life and how to make a difference with our God-given talents and opportunities.
These materials aim to acquaint you with some 60 people, whose actions and achievements shaped the Armenian nation, our language, culture and church.

People who shaped our nation and church
On-line matching drills
Printable worksheets
Practice, keep track of progress
Where to Start:

1. Review the National Figures, Musicians and Artists, Literary Figures, Church Leaders and Saints, Home Resource Guide 2

2. Note when the Armenian Church remembers their lives and legacy

3. Do the Reflections for each of the Church Figures with family, classmates, friends

4. Practice recalling their lives with the on-line drills, printable worksheets, and on-line flashcards

5. Return to the on-line drills and on-line flashcards from time to time to keep your memory fresh