Our History

History may be viewed as the autobiography of the nation. We are shaped by our environment and heritage, which in turn has been shaped by the events and experiences of our common past. By understanding our past we can gain insight into why we are, who we are, and where we’re going. We can also learn lessons from our past: what worked well, what didn’t and why?
These materials aim to acquaint you with 100 key events and turning points that shaped Armenian nation, our language, culture and church.

Our History…
Print out Home Resource Guide 1 for review
On-line matching drills
Printable worksheets
Timeline poster
Print out, assemble and post on your wall
Practice, keep track of progress
Where to Start:

1. Review the Ten Eras of Armenian History in the Time Line under Home Resource Guide 1

2. Review the Church in America Timeline under Home Resource Guide 1

3. Print out and assemble the Timeline Poster – Hang it somewhere where you can look at it regularly, bedroom, kitchen, study, dorm room

4. Practice recalling these with the on-line drills, printable worksheets, and on-line flashcards

5. Return to the on-line drills and on-line flashcards from time to time to keep your memory fresh