Table of Contents  |  Headwords: Alphabetical - Frequency  |  Wordforms: Alphabetical - Frequency
Headwords Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
leaven   10
leg   5
legion   4
leisure   1
lend   8
length   4
leper   9
leprosy   4
less   4

8 occurrence(s)

Wordforms Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
legions   1
legs   5
leisure   1
lemuel   2
lend   4
lender   1
lendeth   3
length   4
leper   4

Ps    36:26|He is ever merciful, and lendeth; and his seed is blessed
Ps    111:5|good man sheweth favour, and lendeth: he will guide his affairs
Prov    19:17|hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD; and that
Prov    22:7|borrower is servant to the lender
Lk    6:34|And if ye lend to them of whom ye
Lk    6:34|have ye? for sinners also lend to sinners, to receive as
Lk    6:35|enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and
Lk    11:5|and say unto him, Friend, lend me three loaves

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