Գրք. Sir, Գլ. 16   [(1895)]Գրք. Sir., Գլ. 16   [KJV]

16:1 Որդեակ` մի՛ ցանկար բազմութեան անպիտան որդւոց. եթէ առ նոսա երկիւղ Աստուծոյ ո՛չ է:

16:1 Desire not a multitude of unprofitable children, neither delight in ungodly sons. KJV [2] Though they multiply, rejoice not in them, except the fear of the Lord be with them:

16:2 զկեանս քո մի՛ հաւատար ՛ի նոսա, եւ ո՛չ զմասն հոգւոյ քո, այլ դու տո՛ւր յաւանդ պահեստի:

16:3 Trust not thou in their life, neither respect their multitude: for one that is just is better than a thousand; and better it is to die without children, than to have them that are ungodly:

16:4 եւ լաւ համարեսջիր լինել անորդի, քան ստանալ որդիս ամբարիշտս:

16:4 For by one that hath understanding shall the city be replenished: but the kindred of the wicked shall speedily become desolate. KJV [5] Many such things have I seen with mine eyes, and mine ear hath heard greater things than these:

16:7 ՛Ի ժողովս մեղաւորաց հուր բորբոքեսցի, եւ յազգ անօրէն բարկութիւն վառեսցի:

16:6 In the congregation of the ungodly shall a fire be kindled; and in a rebellious nation wrath is set on fire. KJV [7] He was not pacified toward the old giants, who fell away in the strength of their foolishness. KJV [8] but abhorred them for their pride. KJV [9] He pitied not the people of perdition, who were taken away in their sins: KJV [10] who were gathered together in the hardness of their hearts. KJV [11] And if there be one stiffnecked among the people, it is marvel if he escape unpunished: KJV [12] As his mercy is great, so is his correction also:

16:13 Զայր ՛ի գործս իւր դատեսցի:

16:13 KJV [12] he judgeth a man according to his works:

16:14 զի մեղաւորն ՛ի յափշտակութեան իւրում ո՛չ ապրեսցի, եւ արդարն ՛ի համբերութեան իւրում ո՛չ սպառի[57]:

16:14 KJV [13] The sinner shall not escape with his spoils: and the patience of the godly shall not be frustrate:

16:9 ՛Ի պանդխտութիւնս Ղովտայ խնայեաց:

16:9 KJV [8] Neither spared he the place where Lot sojourned:

16:11 եւ զվեց հարիւր հազարսն սատակեաց:

16:11 KJV [10] Nor the six hundred thousand footmen:

16:12 զի ՛ի նմանէ է արդարութիւն եւ ողորմութիւն: Քաւել կարօղ է:

16:12 KJV [11] : for mercy and wrath are with him; he is mighty to forgive:

16:13 եւ կշտամբանս բազմապատիկս հատուցանել:

16:13 KJV [11] and to pour out displeasure:

16:15 Ամենայն ողորմած ողորմութիւն գտցէ, զի հատուցանօղն արդար ըստ գործոց դատեսցի: Զսիրտ փարաւոնի Տէր խստացոյց, զի ՛ի ներքոյ երկնից երեւեսցին գործք նորա: Որդեակ` ամենայն արարածոց յայտնի է ողորմութիւն նորա, մինչ զի զլոյս եւ զխաւար բաշխեաց ՛ի մէջ մարդկան[58]:

16:15 KJV [14] Make way for every work of mercy: for every man shall find according to his works. KJV [15] The Lord hardened Pharaoh, that he should not know him, that his powerful works might be known to the world. KJV [16] His mercy is manifest to every creature; and he hath separated his light from the darkness with an adamant:

16:16 Մի՛ ասիցես. ՛Ի Տեառնէ թագեայց, եւ զիս ՛ի բարձանց ո՞վ յիշեսցէ:

16:16 KJV[17] Say not thou, I will hide myself from the Lord: shall any remember me from above? I shall not be remembered among so many people:

16:17 Եւ կամ զի՞նչ է անձն իմ ՛ի մէջ այսչափ արարածոց:

16:17 for what is my soul among such an infinite number of creatures:

16:18 Զայս գիտասջի՛ր` զի երկինք եւ երկնից երկինք, եւ երկիր ամենայն անդնդոց հաստատութեամբ:

16:18 Behold, the heaven, and the heaven of heavens, the deep, and the earth, and all that therein is, shall be moved when he shall visit:

16:19 միանգամայն ՛ի հայել նորա դողացեալ շարժի. զի բազում են գործք նորա կամելն միայն, որ ՛ի ծածուկ մեծ սքանչելեօք. որպէս զի եւ զարժանապէս օրհնութիւնն յիւրմէ օրհնի, զի ՛ի մերմէ նուաստ օրհնութենէս` ո՛չ թերանայ եւ ո՛չ լիանայ[59]:

16:19 The mountains also and foundations of the earth be shaken with trembling, when the Lord looketh upon them. KJV [20] No heart can think upon these things worthily: and who is able to conceive his ways? KJV [21] It is a tempest which no man can see: for the most part of his works are hid. KJV [22] Who can declare the works of his justice? or who can endure them? for his covenant is afar off, and the trial of all things is in the end. KJV [23] He that wanteth understanding will think upon vain things: and a foolish man erring imagineth follies:

16:24 Որդեակ` լո՛ւր ինձ, եւ ընկալ զխրատ իմ:

16:24 by son, hearken unto me, and learn knowledge, and mark my words with thy heart:

16:25 զի յայտնեցից:

16:25 I will shew forth doctrine in weight, and declare his knowledge exactly:

16:26 զգործս Տեառն իսկզբանէ արարածոց իւրոց:

16:26 The works of the Lord are done in judgment from the beginning: and from the time he made them he disposed the parts thereof. KJV [27] He garnished his works for ever, and in his hand are the chief of them unto all generations: they neither labour, nor are weary, nor cease from their works. KJV [28] None of them hindereth another, and they shall never disobey his word. KJV [29] After this the Lord looked upon the earth, and filled it with his blessings. KJV [30] With all manner of living things hath he covered the face thereof; and they shall return into it again:

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