2025 Lenten Readings from St. Gregory of Narek

Let Narek be your spiritual guide through Lent this year. The following readings are thematically linked to the six Sundays of Lent. They are arranged in a gradual progression from confession to profession of faith and designed to be a spiritual exercise in self-examination leading to reconciliation in the Resurrection of our Lord.
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
March 2
Barekendan of Lent
March 3
Lent begins
March 4 March 5 March 6 March 7 March 7
St. Theodore
  1 - The Voice of a Sighing Heart
  10b - I will build an edifice of faith
  2a - My heavy-laden soul
  3a-b - A new book of Psalms sings within me
  66a - Who can say I have a pure heart?
  8 - What will you do, my lost soul?
  27 - "I have sinned" is a blessed prayer   4 - No putting off the day of confrontation
  28f-g - A remedy for the salvation of our souls
  17a-b - Keeper of imperiled souls   25 - The ways of my life are like the waves of the sea
March 9
2nd Sunday of Lent - Expulsion from Eden
March 10 March 11 March 12 March 13 March 14 March 15
St. Cyril
  28a - How much of the hidden will be revealed?
  18c - Make whole as in the Garden of Eden
  46d - Why did you lose heavenly glory, like Adam?
  66b - Lord of compassion, fount of mercies   81a - The guardian angels serve and plea for us   87c-d - do not abandon me in the frailty of old age   67b - Look at me, a broken palm tree, spilled wine   73a - Blessed Lord, only You can turn blame to praise   24 - What am I worthy to ask of you in prayer?
March 16
3rd Sunday of Lent - Prodigal Son
March 17 March 18 March 19 March 20 March 21 March 22
Sts. John, Otsun, Orotni, Gregory of Tatev
  47 - Receive my entreaty, like the Prodigal Son's
  71c - I am the prodigal son
  88 - This book will cry out in my place, with my voice, as if it were me   89 - God who bears no grudges   90c-d - May the Troublemaker's weapons run out   9d - A dew drop of your grace is exhilaration   39 - I am a living book   13a - Three persons, one mystery
  34c - Holy Trinity, Godhead beyond words
  34e - Equal in power
March 23
4th Sunday of Lent - Steward
March 24 March 25 March 26
Median of Lent
March 27 March 28 March 29
Forty Martyrs of Sebastia
  43 - Your law book is grace   29a - Shepherd to the lost sheep   45a-b - Confess as if the heart's secrets were voiced   15 - You were called Shepherd, for not only did you care, but you sought   91c - Give me rest, I am exhausted from the multitude of cares and toil   55f - I did not fix my soul's eye on the straight path   41 - before dawning of your glory, sins melt away
March 30
4th Sunday of Lent - Judge
March 31 April 1 April 2 April 3 April 4 April 5
St. Gregory's commitment to the pit
  64 - You judge justly and weigh fairly, O God.
  22d-e - I have risen against myself like a harsh prosecutor
  5 - How shall I come before your judgment, Just Judge
  51b - If we flee, you come after us   42 - Remember me when you go to your kingdom   55a - On the wings of my soul I have soared through the generations of mankind
  83 - Root out the vile ways of this world and plant the good in me   56 - The agents of death - my sinister heart, my gossiping mouth . . .   57 - What is impossible for me is easy for you.
  1b - The dungeon and shackles at my threshold
  16a - You cut the fetters of death.
April 6
6th Sunday of Lent - Advent
April 7
April 8 April 9 April 10 April 11 April 12
Raising of Lazarus
  44a - Light who took human form
  12 - I long not so much for the gifts as for the Giver
  80 - Holy Mother of God, angel in bodily form
  75 - This spiritual, heavenly mother, cared for me as a son.
  85 - Strengthen me to fight the good fight   34m - Truly you hear, kind God.
  18 - Hear my prayers, when I cry "Lord", in my time of need.
  9a - Iniquities greater than Ararat   53e - Grant me the salve of life   33b - Let the bouquet of this book fill the world like the fragrant oil in the house of Lazarus
April 13
Palm Sunday
April 14 April 15
10 Virgins
April 16 April 17
Holy Thursday
April 18
Holy Friday
April 19
Easter Eve
  84 - Heavenly monarch, exalted king
  49 - Remembering your royal kingdom above
  7a - a small teardrop from the eye defeats the Tempter's evil platoon   61a - always be vigilant
  86a - Unprepared, with lamps extinguished for lack of oil
  93j - oil - mark of grace and light
  43 - You do not need ointments to heal our wounds   82a-b - Through the holy apostles, prepare the way to bliss
  50c - I am like Peter caught in his act of denial
  77 - Holy Friday, the most awesome day of Lent   94 - Your ingenious wisdom turns the darkness of death into morning
April 20
   For the full text of the Narek and more
   information about St. Gregory of Narek and his book of Prayer, see Narek - free downloadable ebook from Arak29

   The Prayer Book is available in print from Abril Bookstore, Prelacy Bookstore, St.Vartan Bookstore, NAASR
  95 - Sun of justice, ray of blessings