This site is not an official site of either the Armenian Government or the Armenian Church.
It has been compiled on a non-profit basis as an aid to understanding and assessing the impact of the Genocide on the Armenian Church.
As such it is neither the first word, nor the final word. It is mean to be a dynamic index and database of church properties and clergy lost during the Genocide. The compilers have drawn on a variety of sources to compile this database, but relied mainly on two sources:
(1) The Inventory of Armenian Church Properties conducted for and by the Ottoman Government in 1912-1913, as translated into Armenian and published in Etchmiadzin Monthly (1965) Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 10 and (1966) Nos. 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, by A. Kh. Safrastyan.
(2) Teodik's Armenian Golgotha (Constantinople, 1923).
Both are available in computer-readable and searchable form as .pdf files under the Sources menu.
The database can be searched in Armenian or English. It can also be sorted or browsed alphabetically by name or geographic area.
The English transliteration is mixed, based on a combination of traditional spellings and uses Western Armenian phonology where appropriate. Since the entire database is in parallel unicode Armenian, those seeking the precise Armenian spelling of any name can find it easily.
Although the database has full-test search capabilities, we have provided a trilingual index (English, Armenian, Transliteration) of proper names for those who wish to browse or locate a specific name.
Suggestions, comments or corrections are welcomed and may be submitted to info@arak29.am
The Compilers