Text and Concordance of the 1895 Bible in Classical Armenian, with parallel English (King James Version), word-by-word grammatical parsing and English gloss. Searchable by lemma and token. Frequency data on tokens as well as lemmas. Prepared in conjunction with the Armenian Bible Society (Yerevan) based on its 1997 reprint of the 1929 American Bible Society (Vienna) reprint of 1895 Constantinople edition initiated during the patriarchate of Armenian Patriarch of Constantinople Nerses Varzhabedian (1874-1884).
You may also be interested in the enhanced website with Russian and English Biblical commentaries and modern Armenian translation, Septuagint, and Hebrew Old Testament, and English Revised Standard versions with Strong Concordance numbers, courtesy of ” Armenian Cathedral ” created by Mr. Melik Stepanian in 2019-2023.